Saturday, November 11, 2006

Weiland reverses decision to leave ICA

Outlaw Stars Official Press Release

After a show of support from several owners around the league, Outlaw Stars owner Stephen Weiland will remain President of Player Personnel for the Outlaw Stars franchise, leaving the managerial duties during the season to the team's new General Manager Trent Felver.

When asked what brought about the change of heart for his decision to leave the front office owner Weiland responded, "The commoraderie between fellow ICA owners and myself would not allow me to walk away entirely. Although I don't have the time necessary to put in over the course of the season I still feel I can contribute to the Outlaw Star orginazation and to the ICA in my new role. My fellow owners show of support was the deciding factor to keep me involved and showed me what a great league and what quality owners we have."