Sunday, January 22, 2006

Friendly reminder

Don't forget, the draft date is Sunday, March 19, time and location to be determined. Save the date. If you know you can't make it, or you won't be available by Internet, please find an alternate to draft on your behalf.

Also, it was decided at the winter meeting that all owners must designate emergency alternate GMs to draft on their behalf, should they be no-shows on draft day. Please post your designees in the comments section below, or send me an e-mail.

I'm designating Tom, by the way.

What's the point?

So you may be asking yourself what's the point of this blog, since we have a message board on the league Web site during the season and a a seperate site for other crap. Well, this may indeed prove to be superfluous, but I see some potential in it.

Unlike the Yahoo message boards, the blog format allows for more creativity in the form of image uploading, Web links, etc. More importantly, the blog automatically archives. I don't know about you, but I really hate when I make an insightful, thought-out post on the message board, only to have it disappear into nothingness after two months.

And unlike the league Web site (which, as Weiland notes below, is in the process of being upgraded), this format is more user-friendly to technology retards like myself.

The message boards will still be the preferred spot during the season for trade notices, trash talking and the like. But if you've got something thoughtful to say -- a statistical breakdown, or a trade critique, or a satirical witicism, or whatever -- this is the place for it.

I'd like to get all 10 managers on board here with posting capability. Y'all should have received an invite by e-mail. If not, drop me a line.

Letter from the CMO

Over the next month we are going to be doing an overhaul of the league's website. If you have any suggestions of what you would like to see done please feel free to post on the blog or email me at Also we are putting a cd together for draft day, and are looking for your opinions on song to be put on the playlist. Thank you.