Monday, February 27, 2006

Why ICA 2011 is expensive

Tom says his proposal below would not be that expensive. I disagree.

Things that Tom proposed that require an expense (my comments in bold):

1. "the spare room of Anyway's or something" — requires renting space

2. "microphones to amp up this bad boy" — requires renting or purchasing, and necessitates renting space as opposed to just plopping down at some tables

3."We arrange for the ICA to be set up as a charitable organization" — not cheap

4. "a LED-light display detailing each pick" — I thought at first he was being facetious, but apparently he's serious about this

5."Other owners are wearing appropriate attire with their team's logo on it" — that's fine with me, but I've had logo apparel available for sale for 3 years, and exactly 4 owners, fewer than half, have made purchases

6. "Big honkin posterboards are all over the place with each team's roster and logo" — not horribly expensive, but not cheap either

7. "We get a HARDCORE draft board" — either expensive or not hardcore

8. "If we play our cards right, in 5 years the value of an ICA franchise could hit $1000 if we approach this with a sound marketing strategy and treat it like a business. That's not a bad return." — it's not a bad return if you're looking to sell your team, which I'm not, and it still doesn't address the fact that nobody who would be willing to pay big bucks for a team is going to want to do it when the championship pot is $200 or so. If you're willing to dramatically increase annual dues, then this starts to make sense.

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