Friday, March 10, 2006

ICA Minor League Teams

So last winter meetings, we voted to add a minor league system for the 2007 season. I'm excited.

This begs the question: should ICA minor league teams have names? It'd be cool to have cafe press gear for your minor league team (all three players, at most).

On the other hand, it's not a minor league per se, as our minors squads won't be playing one another; team names might not be warranted.

All that being said, I think if I want to call my three minor leaguers (hopefully two, we'll see how we do this year), I can call them something. Behold, I introduce to you the name of a team that doesn't yet exist (except, of course, conceptually)...


Adam said...

My minor league team will be called the MKE Golden Warriors.

Pine Tar said...

My minor league team will be called the Kansas Avenue Wayward Sons

Lyons said...

We won't know this for at least a year or two, but I wonder if it will ever prove fruitful to add layers to our farm teams, a la Single-A, AA, etc.

I don't know what it would accomplish that a simple minor league roster-size expansion couldn't do, but it's fun to think about.

Adam said...

Tommy ... We haven't even started with what we approved, and you already want to expand it?

Let's ease up a bit on the drastic changes to the league and enjoy what we've got for a couple years.

Lyons said...

Well, I did say it couldn't happen for at least a year or two.

Besides, I don't even know what it would accomplish.

I just thought it'd be fun to name another minor league team.

Hmmm...that should be a generator website: "Fantasy Minor League Team Name Generator"

Lyons said...

Hey Figgs,

Thanks for your input. Especially since you couldn't make the owners' meeting, it's important to hear from you.

I for one am not sold on any one idea, just so long as there's an idea in place. We should defer to the existing system without a vote, though.

To address your thoughts, though:

"1. have each team designate X# of players before the season starts." This is already in place, where x equals 3 minus the number of your playoff appearances over the last two years.

"2. players that should be eligible should be eligible to win ROY of that season." This is clearly too specific, as only first year players will be on minor league teams.

"3. You can activate a minor leaguer once during the season. Once you activate him, you can't send him down to the minors again. You have to either play, bench, or release him.

4. Any players that you don't activate during the season, you have the option of either keeping or releasing them that following season. "
My understanding is that these are already in place.

"5. You can only keep a minor leaguer 2 seasons without activating him. Otherwise, he gets released and is eligible to be drafted.

6. Minor league players cannot be traded unless you activate them."

I'd be curious what your reasoning was behind these points. My impulse is to disagree, but I'd like to hear your point of view first.