Thursday, February 01, 2007

Different Arbitration Brainstorm

Crafted in the spirit of "Keeping it Simple, Stupid"

*It begins with the 2013 season (five full seasons from expansion).
*Owners request arbitration to mandatorily released players in a sealed envelope at the winter meeting.
*When said player is drafted, the drafter and original owner both brainstorm their own price for said player to be returned to the original owner.
*Other present owners vote on most fair price of the two offers.

Basically, this is exactly what I presented at the owners' meeting, minus the part where the player can turn down arbitration (the coinflip).


Lyons said...

Ooh...what about this?

When a team succeeds in getting back their player, said player becomes MR? That'd be a helluva twist.

Lyons said...

Actually, forget calling it arbitration. Let's call it "tagging" a player, a la a franchise tag.

That will remove some confusion, I think.