Friday, December 28, 2007

Memory Lane with Thomas Lyons

In light of Adam's post below, I thought it might be funny to do a census of past ideas I've had for the ICA in the blogging era.

Since it's probably been a while, read these over and try to hold your laughter.
12/20/2007 - Restricted Free Agency Part II
2/1/2007 - Arbitration
5/25/2006 - PGA Championship Blazers for Fuggin Cup Winners
2/28/2006 - No Trade Clauses
2/26/2006 - Turning the ICA Draft into a Circus
2/24/2006 - Franchise Tagging/Restricted Free Agency Part I

Future proposals I intend to submit: a 4' 10" height maximum for all ICA players, disco demolition as the newest ICA category, and of course, the removal of baseball from the ICA.

Hey, we got No Trade Clauses passed!

(By the way, in all seriousness, if someone has an idea for franchise tagging that is neither complex nor seriously threatens the MR system, I think it could really help the league.)

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