Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Quarter-Season Mark

Is it time to revisit those pre-season predictions?

Lyons Pre-Season Picks
1.) DaFaze
2.) Wyoming
3.) VP
4.) Walden
5.) Pine Tar
6.) Renegades
7.) Outlaw
8.) Upper Deck
9.) Oedipus
10.) American Giants

1st Round
VP defeats Wyoming
Walden defeats DaFaze

VP defeats Walden

Now, I'll go with:
1.) VP
2.) Wyoming
3.) Walden
4.) DaFaze
5.) Pine Tar
6.) Outlaw
7.) Upper Deck
8.) Renegades
9.) Oedipus
10.) American Giants

1st Round
VP defeats DaFaze
Walden defeats Wyoming

VP defeats Walden

It seems clear that, barring injury, the 2006 season can be summed up by:
a) the VP Golden Sox
b) 6 teams battling for 3 playoff spots, all with pretty equal cases, and
c) Newman, Colby, & Jason

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